
Saturday, February 1st, 2014

Alrighty, folks, here’s a quick update on what’s been happening….

Sunday (1/26): After a long Firefly night, Sunday was a quiet day. Chris & I caught up on our TV shows. The shows we’re currently watching are How I Met Your Mother, The Big Bang Theory, Bones, Elementary, and The King of the Nerds. We also did a Michaels run for some craft supplies.

Monday (1/27): I finished a pink, lace ruffle scarf. I also worked on others. Stephanie stopped by to help promote my crafts. She has the business mind and is giving me advice on how to get my shop out there. She’s already posted a few items from my SweetBeautique shop on her Facebook. Chris has helped by posting items on his Pinterest. Later, we had dinner with Michi at (where else!) Honey Creek. This place is becoming our usual. =) At night, I crafted cookies with Michelle while watching the animated Hobbit and animated Lord of the Rings.

Wednesday (1/29): I made my first sale on SweetBeautique the other day! It actually came from the daughter of Stephanie’s cousin. She loves Disney’s Frozen (who doesn’t!) and she ordered the Else bracelet. I made the delivery in person today. At night, Michelle came over and we continued to watch another live concert of Girls’ Generation. As it played in the background, I created Doctor Who cufflinks and brooches. Fezzes are cool.

Thursday (1/30): Continuing on my cufflink craze, I worked on breakfast cufflinks and brooches! I made some pancakes, fried eggs and bacon. Yum! I realized that I need more items for men and cufflinks add that nice charm for your guys to be proper princes.

Friday (1/31): Happy Lunar New Year! My beanie arrived from Twinkie Chan. I was so excited when it came in and the quality is so amazing! =) I wore it that evening when I went to dinner with my friend, Natalie. We ate at Honey Creek (I know, I know… again) – it was Natalie’s first time there and she really like it. At night, Chris helped me craft some donut and Pop Tarts cufflinks & brooches! He molded the base while I did all the details. I’m glad he has fun crafting, too.

Saturday (2/1): We finished up on those donut and Pop Tarts cufflinks & brooches. I tried creating several different flavors of Pop Tarts. I popped them in the oven to bake… mmm… it makes me want real Pop Tarts!

[pictures soon...]

Saturday, January 25th, 2014

Quote of the Day: "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. -Walt Disney"

On the Etsy Community, I was invited to join the group "AAA Support Team" and I find it to be a cozy community with warm hugs!

Here's a summary of what I have been up to:

Wednesday (1/15): Chris & I run half marathons and runDisney hosted the Tinkerbell Half Marathon event starting on Friday, 1/17. On all of our runs, we enjoy dressing up in costumes. This time, I created a Pinocchio outfit for Chris, and I made a Goldie (the goldfish from Pinocchio) running outfit. They turned out amazing! I even made a little Pinocchio hat for him. I also worked on my own button backings. I have the ideas for creating buttons of sushi, hashtag (hash browns), and March buttons. I started the prep work for making ruffle scarves.

Tinkerbell Half Marathon Weekend (1/17-1/20): We drove to L.A. with our 2 doggies! Chris & I normally train for these events and run 2-3 times a week. But with this one, we were so unprepared. With the holidays last month, we became so busy, causing our run schedule to be erratic. Luckily, we were able to get a couple runs before the weekend. Also, we've ran enough half marathons that our bodies have gotten used to it, so once the race starts, it knows what to do. Aside from the race, we began our hunt for Hidden Mickeys around Downtown Disney & the Disneyland Resort hotels! They're super fun! We had finished getting souvenir drinks at Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar before roaming around the Disneyland Hotel at night. It was the perfect time! Everyone was probably sleeping in their rooms, so no one was passing by in the lobby and hallways. It felt like we had the entire place to ourselves to hunt for Hidden Mickeys! Our other activity was our usual Disney Pin Trading. We are so hooked on it and we have so many collections that we're trying to complete.

Wednesday (1/22): Michelle, Daniel, Chris and I went to Mitsuwa to eat some amazing ramen, buy snacks and other goodies like mochi! Real mochi, not the frozen ice cream kind. Michelle knitted 4 scarves: 1 Minnie Mouse, 2 laces, and 1 shiny ruffled). We ate more at home & watched animé all night. Daniel also brought over a LEGO set: the DeLorean with Marty & Doc from Back to the Future.

Thursday (1/23): Michelle came over again. She purchased the Zumba Incredible Results DVD set! I've done Zumba before and really enjoyed taking my friend's class. Her name is Rosann - she teaches Zumba and is really good at it! The DVD was fun and it let's you work out in the comfort of your own home. We also watched more animé and a K-pop concert of Girls' Generation. I made some egg salad tea sandwiches. On the craft-side, we made 1 purple scarf, 1 leopard print, and 1 red & black print. Michelle also brought over this one video game that she played with Chris. It's called Tokyo Jungle where the setting is post apocalyptic and all of the animals have gone feral. You start off with a tiny Pomeranian and he can claw, bite and eat other animals to survive! We have a Pomeranian at home, so we're like, "Mufasa! That's what you would do in this scenario!" Daniel also had another model to build. It was the U.S.S. Vengeance from Star Trek Into Darkness built from KRE-O blocks!

Friday (1/24): Not much on Friday, but we did get our milk tea fix at Honey Creek. This place is so great. Yum!

Saturday (1/25): Chris & I did Zumba in the morning! What a energizing way to wake up. Michelle left the DVDs here, so we made use of them. I stopped by the antique store in Fremont as well as Jo-Ann Fabric. I'm continuing to make more ruffle scarves. A few friends are coming over and we are having ourselves a Firefly & Fajita night! Awesome!

[pictures soon....]

Monday, January 13th, 2014

The start of the year has been a busy one. Here’s the rundown of my crafternoons:

Thursday (1/2): My husband, Chris, and I had another crafting & movie night with Michelle & Daniel. Well, all of the crafting was done by Michelle and me. Chris and Daniel were there for the movies. =)

Friday (1/3): Michi visited my place and we spent our day going to antique shops and Daiso. One of the antique shops was named The Piece by Piece [], and it was very shabby chic with with plenty of cute items. It was a crafter's dream. Being in there was very inspirational. I purchased a DIY wardrobe where I can display my charms and other goodies. The antique shop had shelf space in which you can rent out. Michi decided to rent 3 shelves to display some of her Cherry Dot items. She and I had a lot of great ideas and began brainstorming. So onward to Daiso for item-hunting and materials.

Sunday (1/5): Chris & I had a full day of crafternoon goodness at Michi’s. We wanted to help out with her store inventory and provide creative display ideas. We gathered items that Michi wanted to sell and tagged everything for the shop. For the fun part, we began setting up the shelf displays. We played around with different layouts and came up with a nice setup. She had snacks set up for us as we worked away. For dinner we just had pizza.

Monday (1/6): I stayed home to work on more buttons.

Wednesday (1/8): Michelle and I started to work on more crafts. I made charm bracelets and scarves.

Thursday (1/9): While crafting with Michelle,.... I started my work on this super cute square box tissue cozie! I was so excited to work on it. The idea for the cozie was to transform the tissue opening into his mouth - like he's barfing out tissues! It's so cute and hilarious at the same time.

Friday (1/10): I was able to finish the tissue cozie! I'm happy with it - I just want to pet him every time I walk by. I finished with the rest of my magnets, and a scarf.

Saturday (1/11): One of our friends recently purchased a 3DS XL. Chris & I both have a 3DS, and so does Michelle & Daniel. We decided to host a mini 3DS party at night! I play Animal Crossing: New Leaf and dressed up my character as Princess Peach! I'm trying to collect all of the badges so I can be like Russel from UP! =) Chris and Jun (our other friend) were both playing this new demo for Bravely Default. I like all of the different costumes that you can change the characters into. I could care less about the strategies - I let Chris handle all of that because he's all geeky like that. In the background, we let Netflix play some random movies. I was able to get some crafting in, too. I made charm bracelets with the loom and some corresponding shrinky dink charms. I made a Sugar Rush (Wreck-it Ralph) rubber band bracelet with character charms such as Vanellope. With so much fun stuff happening, people didn't leave until 4 in the morning!

Sunday (1/12): Another Sunday crafternoon @ Michi's! This time with sleep deprivation - oh yeah! Our main focus was to prepare her items for the anique shop. I had designed these backings for her necklaces and buttons. We printed, cut, and packaged the items. We labeled them with prices & item numbers. We're so proud - the items look very professional! We also planned out the final display for her 3 shelves. on placement of buttons. Dinner: taco spaghetti, funfetti cupcakes, brownies.

Thursday, January 2nd, 2014

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope everyone's holiday was great! For me, it was busy craft-wise. Here's a recap of the many things I worked on.

On Thursday (12/26), I created some more cute shrinky dinks. This time, they were of My Little Pony and Animal Crossing characters.

On Friday (12/27), I hung out with my friend, Michi. We caught an early showing of Disney's Frozen! She hasn't watched it yet, but it's my second time seeing the movie (it's so great!). I loved the look on Michi's face during the scene when Elsa sang "Let It Go" - her face was full of amazement! Afterwards, we went to Daiso for some craft supplies, and then we refueled at this one dessert place called Snowflake. We had milk tea, macaroons and snow ice. Michi also gave me the final product of my button designs. They turned out wonderful.

On Sunday (12/29), my husband and I had finished baking our annual Christmas cookies (we baked them throughout the week). Then we delivered the bag of goodies to our friends for them to enjoy.

 On Tuesday (12/31) & Wednesday (1/1), I designed several more buttons! I'm having a lot of fun with these. I made pizza buttons and pancake buttons. The next day, I designed milk tea buttons and French goodies & Valentine's Day buttons!

[pictures coming soon]

I also have a few things pending. Here are some of the things that I am currently working on:

-More ruffle scarves

-A breakfast hoodie
-A French pastry slouch hoodie
Stay tuned for those finished projects!

Sunday, December 22nd, 2013

I've been watching Doctor Who episodes and became inspired to transform our bedroom door into the TARDIS. One of my friends is a big Doctor Who fan, and I can't wait to invite her over and see her expression.

I also made these little desserts in a jar such as strawberry smoothies and milk tea drinks.

Saturday, December 21nd, 2013

I began knitting a scarf on Friday night and was able to finish it on Saturday. It's a ruffle scarf where it is knitted in layers. I also tried out these shrinky dinks. It's where I print out images on specialty paper and bake it so that it hardens. It starts off big, but shrinks to a cute little size. I added them to my finished scarf.

My husband and I bake Christmas cookies every year for our friends. My husband always like to try out unique cookie recipes. We baked Earl Gray Tea Cookies and Rosemary Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookies. We also baked White Chocolate Peppermint bars, but shaped them into hearts and other Christmas goodies.

Thursday, December 19th, 2013

Rainbow Loom was so fun that my friend, Michelle came over the next day with bags of craft supplies galore. She told me it was her investment in my small crafty business. ^_^ So we continued our fun with rubber band charms! I made a bunch of assorted cupcakes out of these bands. I can attach them to the ends of a scarf. Michelle was nice enough to help me start off my scarves inventory. 

After a busy day, we needed sustenance! We opted for sushi for dinner. Yum! And for snacks and dessert, we went to a pearl tea place. Ooh ooh, and Olaf from Frozen joined us! He is such great company. =)

Wednesday, December 18th, 2013

My crafternoon (actually... craftereveing) was paired with movie night. My friends Michelle and Daniel came over and Michelle showed me what I can make with Rainbow Loom rubber bands. The product is so simple, yet it yields enormous potential due to your own creativity. I created tiny charms out of these colorful rubber bands. I made the following: cupcake, pencil/crayons, and a festive candy cane. Her boyfriend supplied the movies, and we popped them in one after the other.

I also finished up some digital crafts. I created these My Little Pony wallpapers. They're so cute!

My husband had a work party with an ugly sweater theme. He didn't have an ugly sweater, so I suggested that we make one. I saw a brilliant ugly sweater idea on this episode of Jimmy Fallon. There was a fireplace image with stockings on a sweater, but it had an insert where you can place an iPad. On the iPad screen, there was the yule log. We didn't have an iPad, but my husband could use his iPhone. We got an old sweater and I sewed on a mini fireplace. His iPhone fit perfectly where he could display a burning fireplace log.

Sunday, December 15th, 2013

I had a wonderful crafternoon with my friend Michi. I went over to her place because she has plenty of craft goodies to play with. We began by playing with Barbie resin molds. It has been a while since I used resin, but everything seems to have gotten simpler. I liked adding touches of glitter to the mold. Now I just need to wait for it to dry – I’m excited to see the finished product!

We also made some sweet treats out of clay. From cookies to sandwiches to sushi, it’s always fun creating these lovely items. Too bad they’re not edible. Don’t worry; we satisfied our tummies with a homemade coconut fish curry steamed in a banana leaf. For our sweet tooth, we had freshly baked white chocolate coconut cookies and this amazing fruit tart! =)

I think I had the most fun with the button maker. It’s so simple, and I could churn out buttons for days. I even lost track of time when creating these Christmas buttons.

I had such a lovely time at Michi’s. I can’t wait to go back. Her place feels like a crafter’s playground! She has a super cute store, too: Cherry Dot.

Don’t forget to stop by mine! SweetBeautique.

Until next time!

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